Sunday, August 23, 2009

Can't believe it's been since May that I posted. I read Katie and Janel's updates and felt really ashamed. We've had an interesting summer with several vacations and I'm glad to finally be home. This weekend was fun at Janel's, kind of a going away party. Yes, Emily is really going to BYU. We leave on Wednesday and dad and I will be home Sunday. It won't be a "FUN" trip, but I'm so happy for Emily. I'm nervous to come home to an empty house (grandma is in Utah for a month) but, I'm going to try and keep busy with projects around the house and finding work. I signed up for weight watchers so I can lose these last 25-30 pounds. I see pics and know I still have some work to do. Katie you look so good. I can really tell you're losing. Jason is also showing his loss. So excited about the bikes dad and I got. We are trying a 20 miler tomorrow. Wish me luck! I feel so much better about my weight, but I really seem to have a problem on the weekends. Not a lot of self control. It's like I've lost the last 5-10 pounds 5 times. What's the matter with me? Anyway, hoping the weight watcher point system will help. Katie, I can have 20 points a day. Isn't that what you get? Well I'm going to try really hard. Guess I better go, everyone try to update their blog, love getting the pics. Haven't figured that one out yet. Love to you all. Mom

1 comment:

Katie DeRusha-Johnson said...

Yay for weight watchers!! For the weekends I would just plan a lot of work out if you can't seem to eat within your 20 points (which is what I eat too). Your account should show you how many points you can add back to your daily total depending on what type of activity and for how long, we'll talk more..:)