Sunday, March 21, 2010

We had a wonderful weekend in Mesa! Wyatt was baptized and it was wonderful being there and partaking of the spirit. What a wonderful young man!! He looked so handsome in his suit. Cade gave a talk on baptism, which was special and the talk Dianne gave on the Holy Ghost was really great. Wyatt was totally taking in everything. Love that little boy. Only Katie and Kameron were there, so we did miss the rest of the family. Janel, can you believe you only have Dayton left?!? Hardly seems possible.

While we were at Janel's, I got to talking with Katie and said it sure would be nice to have one girl grandbaby, but then the more we talked about it, it would be so fun to have 4 little boys so close in age. They could really rule at our next reunion!!

Talked to Nate on Friday and they are getting pretty excited for their delivery. Song Mi is pretty uncomfortable, but anxious for the baby to be here. He likes his job and they are really enjoying the area where they live. Sure hope we get to visit at some point. Want to see that new baby!!

It has been a historic weekend with the health bill passing. I'm not quite sure what we have in store for us, I'm hoping it won't be as bad as they are predicting. I love this country and hate to see the progressive liberals destroying it. Let's all remember to vote and to know who we are voting for and what they believe in. If anything, this weekend has awakened the American public. Just wish it hadn't been on the sabbath. I can't think our Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ were pleased with such legislation taking place on the sabbath. Remember our country in your prayers.

Love to you all, can't wait for this weekend with Emily, Katie and Janel. Just wish we could all be together soon. Mom

P.S. Hannah, just loved the new pics of the kids!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blogger? oh yeah! we have this family blog! Did we all forget?

I feel so bad reading this Blog! mom you are the only one who ever posts on it! I am sooo sorry! I really should be on here more to feel more connected to all of you! I want everyone to know that I'm really missing all of you more than you think. I'm almost tempted to move back to AZ I'm just not ready... It's harder than you think to have to chose. why can't California just fall into the ocean already so AZ has ocean front?

I guess I have a ton to report about my life but I'm sure most of it has already been talked about on the phone. but I'm going to my interview at Turtle Bay tomorrow to get my old job back... and if I pay my dues at this job long enough the benefits will be well worth it! I still have great girls here that are very supportive and I just found a great doctor that will be deliverying my baby. I'm gonna have to spend some money but it will be well worth it. I guess overall I'm just trying to stay healthy and positive :) But I love you all and I hope to see everyone sooner rather than later! Ciao!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hello everyone! It's been a busy week...I was at Janel's Wednesday and Thursday helping her with Dianne's shower. I don't know how much help I was, but I did do dishes and laundry. Janel, the shower was so much fun!! I had a great time and I must admit I spent a lot of my time checking out the decor. Amy's house is unbelievable! And, the best part is she and her husband, Brian, seem pretty down to earth. I came away wanting to clean and organize our home. Maybe put some of the decorations away for awhile (not that her house wasn't decorated to the hilt). Also, I got some practice in holding babies. Amy has a 4 month old little girl (Vanessa), who is just adorable. She was decked out and just about the best baby. Can't wait to hold all the new grandbabies coming this year!

Dad and Cade left today for a bluegrass festival in Lake Havasu. Hope they have fun. Dad is working on the sauna room and making progress. He is highly motivated with our old Harris 2nd Ward coming in April.

Looking forward to visiting Emily in a few weeks. Janel, Katie and I will head up to Provo on the 27th of March for a long overdue visit. Can't wait!

Love to everyone, and again Happy Birthday Nick! You know 30 is a great age to be!! Mom