Thursday, January 29, 2009

Heh family! Just catching up with the family blog. It's exciting about Emily, huh? She will be in Utah next week for choir tour, so I'm flying up the end of the week to check out housing and meet with a counselor. So proud of her!

Brianna, would love to visit Hawaii again, just no money. It's really scary out there for us. We have no new work, and not really anything looking very positive. We do have a small job starting sometime, just not sure when. Dad even went on the internet and checked out contracting in Iraq. Now that's scary! So don't think I don't want to visit again, I love it there and miss you soooo much, but things are difficult right now.

Janel, loved Cade's creation! Our kids continually surprise us, huh? I'll be down next week, will stop by then with a few things.

Hope everyone is praying for each other. Jason is still without work, I complained earlier about us, and Nick and Hannah have made the decision for Nick to go to school full-time and so Hannah is working a couple of nights at Casa. So, just be diligent with your prayers.

Love to you all, got to run...Mom

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes whether it was a phone call, a voice mail, or a thought when you read this and barely remember.  But my day was great...19 feels exactly the same as 18, but I guess it sounds a little better.  Hey, if I was Katie...I'd be getting married tomorrow!  Crazy.  And the caption to the picture...I wasn't driving, but Trent did get pulled over on my birthday...fortunately it was the nicest coolest cop ever and he just got a written warning and promised to never speed again!  Anyways.......I'm sure most of the family has heard my exciting news but if not, I got accepted to BYU Provo!  I'm still waiting to hear from Idaho, but I think I'm leaning towards Provo.  Its a little closer and a little warmer.  Plus tons of amazing devotionals with the prophet speaking!  And General Conference!  I know I know, you're all jealous.  But be glad you're done with school!  I'm taking twenty or so credits, and I'm all set to graduate in May as long as I can make 30 visits to the gym and get the credits!  I can do it.  School and work is keeping me pretty busy but it sure makes the time fly by!  Well I hope everyone is doing great!  I love you!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heh everyone! Been awhile, but the holidays are over and now it's on to a bigger and better 2009! Work is slow for everyone, so we really do have to look for the blessings we enjoy. This was a great Christmas! Loved having Brianna home, going to Janel's for the DeRusha party, seeing Nick, Hannah and the kids on Christmas morning, and enjoying Emily just one more year at home. Don't get me started, because I tear up everytime I think of her leaving. She's the best! Ok, each of you is the best, but, "she's the baby"! I've forwarded the latest info from Auntie Rita about the reunion. I know we'll be there the week of July 20th or so and will probably stay a week. Dad will be there another week after that. I'd really like for our family to put together a Kevin DeRusha album and what do you all think of matching t-shirts?? We're all looking forward to the week, so share any ideas you have. Love to you all, and let's see more blogging this year! Mom