Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's been almost a month since I blogged last...Katie's shower turned out great and yes I'm the guilty party who hasn't sent the pics, but I will. Dad finished his big job and it was a huge success. He worked really, really hard. Glad he's home. He and I (mostly him) have been putting in a winter lawn in the front. I told him today I though that was good enough. We'll just cut the back and fertilize. Way tooooo much work. I think the front yard has been cut 15 times just to get it to a thatched stage. He's still working on the sprinklers, then it's spread the rye and fertilizer. So many projects! I went and got all the Halloween decorations from storage, but they are still sitting on the back porch. Got to do it though. I don't think I'll put as many out this year. Love hearing from all of you, seeing the new pics. Now if we could all just live in the same neighborhood I'd really be happy. Just dreaming, huh???? Love to all. Mom

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