Wednesday, November 17, 2010

For those of you who don't know, I twisted my ankle my last weekend with Katie. Brianna came and got me and we went to the emergency room in Mesa. They applied a splint, went to the doctor the next week, and on Tuesday (the 16th) I'll be having surgery to repair my ruptured achilles tendon. Would send a pic of my splint but dad has the laptop and for some reason my printer won't accept my photo card. I've been in a wheelchair since it happened (the crutches were killing my left hip) and so it's been extremely frustrating. Without Brianna and Jason and Janel I don't know what I'd be doing. We're still having Thanksgiving in Thatcher because Emily is coming home and Katie and Kameron will be here too. Janel and the kids will come up on Friday. Wish so much that everyone was in town (especially dad) and we could be together. Brianna and Jason already got the tree in the living room and I'm sure my "helpers" will take care of the decorating. Makes me really appreciate my two legs and arms and I promise myself I will take better care as soon as I'm up and able. I'll be in a cast for 6 weeks and then one of those stupid boots. I know stop complaining, at least it can be repaired. So, that's where I'm at here. Hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving, send pics.

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