Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's so cold!! I think this global warming is a hoot!! Seriously, it was only 39 degrees this am. I know I shouldn't complain, Katie it's probably snowing in Flagstaff?? Anyway, we're loving it. I'm so excited for the 15th. Hope everyone is still planning on coming. We'll have everyone here but Nick and Nate. It's been awhile.

Nothing really new on the homefront. Sure enjoy reading everyone's blog. Sue and Jill are coming down today for the temple openhouse. What a beautiful temple it is!! The colors are exquisite and it just feels so wonderful. We are truly blessed to have had a temple built here and I can't wait to use it!!

Nothing more except I love you all. Mom

1 comment:

Katie DeRusha-Johnson said...

I'm always excited when mom posts! And I can't wait to come to T-town!!