Ahn Yong!
Well, I finally clicked on the link to add to the extremely empty family blog. (Nice attempt Janel but I'm not sure our technologically challenged family members are going to figure it out!) But I will contribute when I can. And seeing how I'm going to be in Korea for the next 18 months, it is a good way for me to keep in touch with some of you. I don't really have much time right now but I'll definitely put more up later. Peace!
Yahoo a post from Nate!! Hi!!Are you coming home at all before MN next year??
No, I'm not planning on it. I need to save the leave time(and the plane ticket money) so I can get out of the army early. It's really about priorities. By the way, do you still want a free Xbox 360?
by the way, how do I put pictures on this thing?
Sure, I'm sure the kids would love one!
When you are writing a post, look at the top bar and click on the little picture.....then copy and paste it where you want it in the post :D
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